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1. Intake Information
Knowledge Statement:
What is standard for appropriate patient intake information and proper use of that information, such as demographics, case history, HIPAA and informed consent?
Skill Statements:
Be able to screen/evaluate intake information to better prepare for the history and physical
Be able to adapt treatment strategies to maximize treatment outcomes and/or referral appropriately based on intake information
2. Financial Policy
Knowledge Statements:
What is a business and insurance policy and how should it be implemented for clinical use?
How should financial agreements be made with patients and what are the legalities associated with these financial considerations?
What is the appropriate documentation for patient understanding regarding various insurance and financial policies?
What is required to participate with insurance plans, such as HMO, Medicare, etc.?
Skill Statements:
Be able to discuss patient finances and financial agreements
Be able to explain responsibilities to the patient
Be able to discuss and show documents pertaining to all aspects of insurance and financial agreements in your office
3. Consent Forms
Knowledge Statements:
What is informed consent?
Is it patient or condition specific?
How does one obtain informed consent?
What are the different types of informed consent?
What are the risks for not obtaining informed consent?
How is informed consent documented?
When is consent to treat a minor necessary?
Skill Statements:
Be able to obtain informed consent and, when appropriate, consent to treat a minor
Be able to assess risk factors versus benefits for different conditions and treatments
Be able to determine and obtain the appropriate form of informed consent that is specific to the patient and their present condition
Be able to update informed consent with the same patient as new conditions arise
4. Case History/Interview
Knowledge Statements:
What important information should be gathered regarding a patient's history?
What are some potential red and yellow flags and issues/concerns during the history?
Skill Statements:
Be able to formulate a clinical impression of a patient's condition from their history
Be able to recognize red and yellow flags given during a case history/interview
5. Outcome Assessment
Knowledge Statements:
What are examples of different outcome tools and categories?
How is an outcome recorded or documented?
At what frequencies and clinical changes should outcome assessments be used?
How is the outcome clinically relevant to the patient?
Skill Statements:
Be able to select outcome assessments that can be both clinically relevant and patient specific
Be able to grade various outcome assessment tools and interpret their changes
Be able to alter a treatment plan, based on changes in outcome assessment
6. Pain Scales
Knowledge Statements:
How can a patient's pain be recorded or documented?
How often should this process be repeated?
What are accepted methods for interpreting pain drawings?
What is the clinical relevance of pain drawings?
Skill Statement:
Be able to interpret pain drawings for clinical significance
7. Psychosocial Assessment
Knowledge Statements:
What are yellow flags?
What are examples of the appropriate use of initial yellow flag screenings?
What are methods to identify and score yellow flags?
Who are referral sources that may assist with yellow flags?
How do treatment goals and outcomes change with the presence of yellow flags?
Skill Statements:
Be able to recognize yellow flag behaviors
Be able to explain the presence of yellow flags to the patient
Be able to alter a treatment strategy to maximize treatment effectiveness, given the presence of yellow flags
8. Goals/Desires of the Patient
Knowledge Statements:
What tools/methods can be used to objectify goals/desires of the patient?
Why should the goals of the rehabilitation program coordinate with the goals of the patient?
Skill Statements:
Be able to identify the goals/desires of the patient using various approaches
Be able to develop a rehabilitation program to achieve the goals/desires of the patient
Be able to modify the rehabilitation program as the goals of the patient change
Be able to develop workplace reintegration goals, based on job requirements
9. Complicating Rehabilitative Factors/Pre-Active Care Assessments
Knowledge Statements:
What are complicating rehabilitative factors (CRF) and their possible symptoms?
How can a clinician screen/document for CRF?
What types of diagnostic tests may be ordered to rule out certain CRF?
How does the presence of CRF change treatment?
What other health care disciplines may be needed to address specific CRF?
What role does the patient's employer play with the presence of CRF?
Skill Statements:
Be able to recognize and interpret the severity of CRF
Be able to convey the presence of CRF to the patient
Be able to alter treatment protocols to gain maximal effect for CRF
Be able to integrate multi-disciplines for CRF intervention
Be able to discuss appropriate diagnostic tests for conditions that complicate recovery
Be able to assess workplace factors that may escalate CRF
Be able to develop a workplace plan to minimize or better manage such factors
10. Diagnostic Triage of "Red Flags" of Serious Disease
Knowledge Statements:
What is a red flag?
What are serious diseases that would constitute a red flag and what are their signs and symptoms?
What is diagnostic triage?
How is diagnostic triage utilized in practice?
What diagnostic testing is best utilized to confirm the presence of serious disease?
What is the most appropriate referral for a patient with a given red flag?
Skill Statements:
Be able to screen for red flags in the history/exam
Be able to determine the appropriate diagnostic testing to further confirm the presence of a given serious disease
11. Examination
Knowledge Statements:
What are the components of an appropriate examination (vitals, palpation, percussion, active and passive range of motion (ROM), orthopedic/neurologic assessment)?
What are vitals and what is each of their normal values?
What is the clinical significance of observation, palpation and percussion?
What is the clinical significance of active and passive ROM and what are normal values for the spine and extremities?
What is the clinical significance of deep tendon and pathological reflexes?
What is the clinical significance of sensory and motor testing and how are they evaluated?
What relevant orthopedic tests can be performed given a specific clinical condition?
How does an examination set the stage for initiating a rehabilitative plan?
Skill Statements:
Be able to take vitals
Be able to perform observation, palpation and percussion testing
Be able to perform active and passive ROM of a given region
Be able to perform deep tendon and pathological reflex testing
Be able to perform sensory and motor testing
Be able to formulate a working diagnosis for given results from a physical examination
Be able to recognize red flags, given the results of a physical examination
Be able to formulate an initial treatment plan, based on given clinical findings
Be able to perform a comprehensive neuromusculoskeletal examination and determine its clinical relevance from the findings
12. Diagnostics
Knowledge Statements:
What indications would be needed for various types of imaging, specific lab work and/or special studies?
What diagnostic findings would indicate an immediate referral?
What is the appropriate use of diagnostic studies based on the history and physical examination?
Given specific findings from diagnostic testing, how would testing results drive treatment?
When is it appropriate to use urinalysis, blood work, x-ray, CT, MRI/MRA, bone scans, EMG/NCV?
Skill Statements:
Be able to determine the appropriate diagnostic test, based on a specific history and physical examination findings
Be able to accurately interpret diagnostic findings to develop a working diagnosis
Be able to develop treatment parameters, based on a given set of diagnostic findings
Be able to correlate positive diagnostic tests with possible patient's signs and symptoms and/or condition
Be able to identify red flags from diagnostic testing
13. Functional Testing and Physical Capabilities
Knowledge Statements:
What are functional and physical capacities testing?
What are various functional and physical capacities tests for stability, cardiovascular, motor control, strength, endurance, flexibility and proprioception?
What screening guidelines and protocols should be administered before beginning functional and physical capacities testing (PAR-Q, cardio, etc.)?
How is specific functional and physical capacities testing clinically pertinent in the assessment of a given patient?
Under what conditions is it appropriate to functionally test and retest a patient?
How are functional tests and physical capacities results utilized?
How sensitive are the functional and physical capacities tests to clinical change?
Skill Statements:
Be able to determine functional and physical capacities tests relevance to a given set of patient goals/desires
Be able to administer appropriate functional and physical capacities tests for stability, cardiovascular, motor control, strength, endurance, flexibility and proprioception
Be able to interpret and score the specific functional and physical capacities tests
Be able to develop and modify a treatment plan, based on functional and physical capacities test results
1. Basic Theory
Knowledge Statements:
What are basic theories which support musculoskeletal rehabilitation, such as hypertonicity vs. tightness, inhibition vs. weakness, co-activation, reciprocal inhibition, post-isometric relaxation, developmental kinesiology, Panjabi's model of motor control and specific adaptation to imposed demand?
What are the phases of healing?
How does healing of the CNS differ from healing of musculoskeletal injuries?
Skill Statement:
Be able to identify the basic science theories behind specific rehabilitation strategies
2. Evidence-Based Care
Knowledge Statements:
What is evidence-based care?
How should evidence-based care be utilized in a clinical setting?
Skill Statement:
Be able to integrate evidence-based care practices into a rehabilitative treatment/strategy
3. Passive Treatment
Knowledge Statements:
What are the physiological effects and proposed clinical outcomes for various passive modalities?
What are potential detriments of various passive care modalities, both physiologically and behaviorally?
What are the contraindications to various passive modalities?
When would passive modalities be utilized in an effective care plan?
Skill Statements:
Determine clinical goals for various passive modalities
Be able to develop a care plan, along with transition points when utilizing passive modalities and procedures given a clinical scenario
4. Risk Analysis
Knowledge Statements:
What risk factors should be assessed before implementing an active care plan?
What is a PAR-Q and how is it scored?
What are various cardiac screening and tests and what is needed to perform them?
What is medical clearance and how is it determined?
Skill Statements:
Determine the appropriate clinical steps, given the outcome of a PAR-Q and various cardiac screens
Develop a care plan taking into account various risk findings
5. Baseline Assessment
Knowledge Statements:
How is baseline testing pertinent to patient care?
What is functional testing and when is it best utilized?
What are standard tests used to baseline motor control, muscular endurance, stability, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance and proprioception?
Skill Statements:
Be able to administer and score the functional baseline test motor control, muscular endurance, stability, flexibility, cardiovascular endurance and proprioception
Be able to determine a functional baseline test's relevance to the patient's goals/desires
Be able to develop a rehabilitation plan, based upon functional test outcomes
6. Motor Control
Knowledge Statements:
What are the stages of motor learning?
What are methods for teaching motor control?
What are the key muscles that tend toward inhibition?
When is it appropriate to give home motor control exercise to a patient?
What are the negative clinical aspects of not improving motor control deficits?
Skill Statements:
Demonstrate how to train proper motor control
Demonstrate how to facilitate an inhibited muscle
7. Stabilization Training
Knowledge Statements:
What is stabilization training and the basic theories supporting it?
What patient populations are appropriate for stability training?
What dictates the appropriate prescription of stability exercises?
What are bracing stability approaches?
Skill Statements:
Recognize given stability exercises and their techniques for impacting neutral spine postures, abdominal bracing and appropriate breathing
Outline an appropriate progression of stability exercises, based on the goals of a patient
Based on a given performance to a stability exercise, be able to determine whether a patient exercise should progress or peel-back
8. Muscular Endurance Training
Knowledge Statements:
When is endurance training indicated?
What are generally accepted muscular endurance training protocols and technique considerations?
Skill Statement:
Be able to design a rehabilitative program using muscular endurance protocols to ensure safety and effectiveness, given a specific goal
9. Speed Training
Knowledge Statements:
When is speed training indicated?
What are generally accepted speed training protocols and technique considerations?
Skill Statement:
Be able to design a rehabilitative program using different speed protocols to ensure safety and effectiveness, given a specific goal
10. Strength Training
Knowledge Statements:
What are different theories of strength training and when would they be indicated?
What are accepted protocols for strength training (McQueen, Pyramid, Super slow, plyometric training, etc.) and technique considerations (breathing, body position, appropriate motor control)?
Skill Statements:
Be able to design a strength training program that meets different patient needs
Be able to assess proper strength training techniques
Be able to design a strength training program utilizing different strength training protocols
11. Functional Performance Training
Knowledge Statements:
What is functional performance training (FPT)?
Who is a candidate for FPT?
When would FPT be prescribed?
Skill Statements:
Recognize appropriate FPT techniques
Outline a progression of FPT that is specific to the goals of a patient
Be able to determine whether a patient exercise should progress or peel-back, based on a given performance to FPT
12. Flexibility Training
Knowledge Statements:
What is the definition of flexibility?
Why is flexibility important to the patient?
Who is a candidate for flexibility training?
When is the best/worst time to stretch?
What are various flexibility methods/approaches?
What is the difference between PIR and a fast stretch and when is each indicated?
What happens physiologically when muscle tissue is stretched?
Skill Statements:
Be able to design a flexibility program that meets different patient needs and goals
Be able to assess proper flexibility techniques
Design a flexibility training program utilizing different flexibility training protocols
13. Cardiovascular Training
Knowledge statements:
What is cardiovascular training?
Who is appropriate for cardiovascular training?
What is a target heart rate and how do you calculate it?
How do you progress / peel-back during cardio training?
What are the risk factors for cardiovascular training?
Skill Statements:
Be able to screen those who need cardiovascular training
Be able to design a rehabilitative program using cardiovascular protocols to ensure safety and effectiveness, given specific goals and profiles
14. Sensory-Motor Training
Knowledge Statements:
What is sensory-motor training (SMT)?
What patients are candidates for SMT?
When should SMT be prescribed?
What is the end goal of a sensory-motor program?
Skill Statements:
Be able to identify those who need SMT
Be able to design SMT specific to the goals of the patient
Be able to determine whether a patient exercise should progress or peel-back, based on a given performance to SMT
15. Manual Techniques
Knowledge Statements:
What are manual therapies and how are they used appropriately?
Why is it important to transition from passive manual care to active care?
Why is post-treatment audit important with manual therapy?
Skill Statements:
Be able to evaluate progress or lack of progress via manual approaches
Be able to alter a treatment plan, if indicated by the post-treatment audit of manual approaches
16. Self-Care Intervention
Knowledge Statements:
What are various self-care interventions?
What aspects make self-care important?
How is self-care utilized in care (frequency, intensity, duration)?
Who should receive self-care advice?
Skill Statements:
Be able to design a self-care program based upon a patient's needs and goals
Be able to screen patients who are appropriate for self-care advice
Be able to recognize proper techniques of various self-care approaches
17. Cognitive-Behavioral Training
Knowledge Statements:
What is cognitive-behavioral training (CBT)?
What patient populations may benefit from CBT?
When should CBT be prescribed?
What other health disciplines may assist with CBT?
When should referral be made for assistance with CBT?
How is CBT tracked and documented?
Skill Statements:
Be able to screen patients who may benefit from CBT
Design a CBT program to meet a patient's specific needs
18. Special Populations
Knowledge Statements:
What are examples of special populations?
How are special populations identified?
What considerations change rehabilitation for special populations?
Skill Statements:
Be able to identify characteristics of special populations
Be able to design a rehabilitation program to accommodate the needs of special populations
19. Goal-Based Management/Graded Exposure
Knowledge Statements:
What is goal-based management (GBM)?
How is GBM prescribed?
Skill Statements:
Be able to design a rehabilitation program utilizing GBM
Be able to alter a treatment plan, based on a given patient's ability or inability to obtain a specific goal
20. Outcomes Assessment / Post-Treatment Audit
Knowledge Statements:
What is a post-treatment audit and why is it used?
When should a post-treatment audit be performed?
How are post-treatment audits objectified?
Skill Statements:
Be able to utilize and accurately assess subjective and objective outcomes
Be able to determine whether to progress or peel-back a patient, based on treatment tolerance
Be able to perform a post-treatment audit
21. Decision Points in Care
Knowledge Statements:
What are decision points in care?
Who makes the decisions?
When is a referral indicated?
When is diagnostic imaging indicated?
When is a second opinion consult needed?
When should a referral for medications management/consult be indicated?
When is a psychological consult indicated?
When is reactivation advice needed?
When is pain relief (via manipulation, passive modalities, etc.) best indicated?
When is intensive rehabilitation indicated?
What additional documentation procedures might be needed for certain special populations?
What indicates the need for continuation of care?
When should a program of home exercise be given?
When should a patient be discharged?
When should a referral for interventional pain management occur?
How is interventional pain management utilized
Skill Statements:
Be able to determine when to adjudicate a second opinion consult
Be able to determine when to adjudicate medications management
Be able to determine when to adjudicate an injection consult
Be able to determine when to adjudicate a psychological consult
Be able to identify those patients who require a "stepped-up" approach with their care
Be able to determine when to continue care or discharge a patient
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