The ACRB® will now offer the board-certified rehabilitation diplomate program. The program will consist of online reading material and exams, rehabilitation seminar attendance, completion of the oral practical examination and submission of a case study. Successful completion of the above will fulfill the requirements to obtain board-certified status as a Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Rehabilitation Board (DACRB). Please note that this will be a diplomate program only. The board highly encourages all doctors with a current level one, two or three status to move forward with completing the program and obtaining diplomate status.
Completion of two (2) online exams
Completion of required hours of rehabilitation seminars
Completion of oral exam (NEXT ORAL PRACTICAL EXAM: TBD)
Submission and acceptance of a rehabilitation relevant case study
Self-directed learning (SDL) online coursework:
Once registered for the program, you will be given a password to obtain the field study with references. Once this material has been reviewed and studied, you must complete two (2) online timed exams. One exam will pertain to the assessment section of the field study and the other exam will pertain to the patient care/management section. The questions in each exam will be in a multiple-choice format. You will have up to three (3) attempts to pass each exam.
Seminar attendance:
In addition to completing the online exams, you will be required to attend 150 hours of rehabilitation seminars. You will be required to obtain hours in each of the following categories:
45 hours - spine
45 hours - extremities
Completion of free online McKenzie Method Overview course https://www.
48 hours - rehabilitation associated electives
It is your responsibility to locate and register for these seminars. If you are unsure if a seminar qualifies for this program, please contact the office. Upcoming seminars will be posted on our website. If you have previously taken rehabilitation seminars, you may submit the course outline to see if they can be applied to the program.
The cost of the program is $1499.00. This price includes the referenced field study, two online exams and the oral practical examination. If you have previously taken the level one exam and passed, the price will be $1199.00. If you have previously taken the level one and two exams and passed both, the price will be $899.00. If you have taken all three written exams and passed and only need to take the oral exam, the price will be $750.00. All previous coursework that you have taken may be applied to the seminar hours requirement.
We will no longer administer the level one, two and three written exams. Oral examinations will be held one to two times per year with dates and locations posted on our website. The two online exams and seminar hours must be completed prior to registering for the oral exam.
Oral practical examination fees are included in the cost of the program. You are allotted one cancellation. Your second cancellation will result in a $550 fee to take the Oral Practical and complete the program.
To register for this program, you must fill out an enrollment application. Payment can be made by credit card, check or money order. Once your application is received and processed, you will be contacted via e-mail and given further information and instructions regarding completion of the online portion of the program.
Toll Free
1 (888) 212-2280
(970) 233-9940
Mailing Address
American Chiropractic
Rehabilitation Board
PO BOX 270222
Fort Collins, CO 80527